Data Science for Conservation

GLUE researchers have developed computer science approaches to harness publicly available datasets to map commodity supply chains in Brazil, Colombia, the US and beyond. Our team has partnered with the National Wildlife Federation to develop Visipec, a traceability tool that is now being trialed by Brazilian meatpackers. We are also developing similar solutions for other Amazonian countries and commodities. GLUE is focused on pushing academic boundaries and finding durable solutions that can support companies and producers as they move to produce more with less forest destruction through our Big Data analysis.

Moffette, F., P. Phaneuf, L.L. Rausch and H.K. Gibbs. 2024. "The value of property rights and environmental policy in Brazil: Evidence from a new database on land prices." Global Environmental Change. [Link]
Sullivan, C. and M. Candino. 2023. "Conservation value and biodiversity indicators for properties and supply chains in Colombia." Gibbs Land Use and Environment Report Series. [Link]
Brandão Jr. A., L.L. Rausch, J. Munger and H.K. Gibbs. 2023. "Mapping Slaughterhouse Supply Zones in the Brazilian Amazon with Cattle Transit Records." Land. [Link]
Skidmore, M. E., K.M. Sims, L.L Rausch, and H.K. Gibbs. 2022. “Sustainable intensification in the Brazilian cattle industry: The role for reduced slaughter age.” Environmental Research Letters. [Link]
Schelly, I.H., L.L. Rausch and H.K. Gibbs. 2021. “Brazil’s Cattle Sector Played Large Role in Fires During 2020 Moratorium.” Frontiers in Forest and Global Change. [Link]
Moffette, F. and H.K. Gibbs. 2021. “Agricultural Displacement and Deforestation Leakage in the Brazilian Legal Amazon.” Land Economics. [Link]
Skidmore, M., F. Moffette, L.L. Rausch, M. Christie, J. Munger, and H.K. Gibbs. 2021. “Cattle Ranchers and Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon: Production, Location, and Policies.” Global Environmental Change. [Link]
Carvalho, R., L. Rausch, J. Munger, and H. K. Gibbs. 2021. The role of high-volume ranches as cattle suppliers: Supply chain connections and cattle production in Mato Grosso. Land.
Rajão, R., B. Soares-Filho, F. Nunes, J. Börner., L. Machado, D. Assis, A. Oliveira, L. Pinto, V. Ribeiro, L. Rausch, H.K. Gibbs, and D.Figueira. 2020. “The rotten apples of Brazil’s agribusiness.” Science vol. 369, Issue 6501, pp. 246-248. [Link]
Vale, P., H. K. Gibbs, R. Vale, M. Christie, E. Florence, J. Munger, and D. Sabaini. 2019. “The expansion of intensive beef farming to the Brazilian Amazon.” Global Environmental Change. [Link]
Vale, P., H. K. Gibbs, R. Vale, J. Munger, A. Brandão, M. Christie, and E. Florence. 2019. “Mapping the cattle industry in Brazil’s most dynamic cattle ranching state: Slaughterhouses in Mato Grosso, 1967-2016.” PlosOne. [Link]
Gibbs, H. K., J. Munger, J. L’Roe, P. Barreto, R. Pereira, M. Christie, T. Amaral, and N.F. Walker. 2015. “Did Ranchers and Slaughterhouses Respond to Zero-Deforestation Agreements in the Brazilian Amazon?” Conservation Letters. [Link] [Portuguese Version]