GLUE Media

La Silla Vacía | Las vacas en la Amazonía pasan por muchas manos antes de ser sacrificadas.
La Silla Vacía | ¿Qué tiene que ver el asado de fin de año con la Amazonía?.
Mongabay | La ley de la UE contra la defirestación pone presión sobre la ganadería colombiana.
Raya Revista | "Ganadería sostenible" en Colombia: un sello vacío frente a la deforestación.
The Bureau of Investigative Journalism | Slash and Carry: Shippers ‘enabling’ beef-driven forest destruction.
Context | Why the world’s biggest beef exporter can’t quit its cattle habit.
Washington Post | Environmental groups condemn new laws threatening soybean restrictions in Brazil’s Amazon.
Dialogue Earth | The sick children of Brazilian agriculture.
Solidaridad Assuming The Challenge Of Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning Across Different Countries, Commodities & Contexts.
Wisconsin Energy Institute | Abandoned farmlands could play a role in fighting climate change. A new study shows exactly where they are.
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver | Corn
Grist | Who's behind the destruction of Brazil's Cerrado?
Context | Why the world’s biggest beef exporter can’t quit its cattle habit
Center for High Throughput Computing | How the GLUE Lab is bringing the potential of HTC to track the movement of cattle and land use change
Minneapolis Star Tribune | Cargill speeds up timeline to end deforestation in Brazil. Will it be enough?
Reuters | Brazil child cancer deaths linked to soy farming, study finds
Mongabay | Study links pesticides to child cancer deaths in Brazilian Amazon & Cerrado
DW | Child cancer deaths in Brazil: Is soy farming to blame?
The Messenger | Half of Childhood Leukemia Deaths in Brazilian Amazon Linked to Soy Production
Morning Ag Clips | Soy Expansion in Brazil Linked to Increase in Childhood Leukemia Deaths
O GLOBO | Pesticidas da soja mataram 123 crianças no interior em 11 anos, diz estudo
Med India | Childhood Cancer Deaths Linked to Indiscriminate Pesticide Use in Brazil
Time News | The Unhealthy Link Between Pesticides and Leukemia in Children: Study Reveals Troubling Findings in Brazil
Publico | Metade das mortes de crianças por leucemia ligadas ao cultivo de soja na Amazónia e no Cerrado
Down To Earth | Hike in soy production in Brazil linked to higher child cancer deaths, finds study
GM Watch | Child cancer deaths in Brazil: Is GMO soy farming to blame?
New Scientist | Pesticides in soya farming may be behind leukaemia deaths in Brazil
The Guardian | 'Everything is parched’: Amazon struggles with drought amid deforestation
Quartz | Takeaways from AP’s reporting on an American beef trader’s links to Amazon deforestation
AG Web | Cattle Still Recovering with Cash, S&P Supportive: Soybeans Rally on China Talk, Lower Brazil Estimates, Corn Tries to Follow
New Scientist | Pesticides in soya farming may be behind leukaemia deaths in Brazil
Veg News | Childhood Cancer Deaths in Brazil: Is Meat to Blame?
ANI | UP's Ananda Dairy ties up with Brazilian firms for cattle breed improvement
Go Skagit | How an American meat broker is fueling Amazon deforestation
MSN | Scientists developed a new cattle breed that could be a game-changer
Brown Field | USDA FAS Lowers Brazil corn guess
AP News | How an American meat broker is fueling Amazon deforestation
Reuters | Brazil child cancer deaths linked to soy farming, study finds
New Scientist | Pesticides in soya farming may be behind leukaemia deaths in Brazil
EurekAlerta! | Soy expansion in Brazil linked to increase in childhood leukemia deaths
The Messenger | Half of Childhood Leukemia Deaths in Brazilian Amazon Linked to Soy Production
Made for Minds | Child cancer deaths in Brazil: Is soy farming to blame?
O Globo | Pesticidas da soja mataram 123 crianças no interior em 11 anos, diz estudo
Publico | Metade das mortes de crianças por leucemia ligadas ao cultivo de soja na Amazónia e no Cerrado
News Wise | Soy expansion in Brazil linked to increase in childhood leukemia deaths
Alerta Tolima | Cadenas de producción libres de deforestación el reto para los ganaderos colombianos
CONtexto Ganadero | Trazabilidad ganadera internacional: casos de éxito y claves para la lucha contra la deforestación
Forbidden Stories | The Amazon Cut: How Beef Linked to Deforestation is Exported to Europe by Major Companies
Vox | The alarming decline of Earth’s forests, in 4 charts
Wisconsin Public Radio | Ethanol production poses harm to endangered species, Wisconsin scientist says
Mongabay | A Twitter bot tracks meat production in the Brazilian Amazon
La Republica | ¿Qué medidas se tomarán ante suspensión del servicio de gas al suroccidente del país?
O Eco | Sai a floresta, entra o pasto: Amazônia (des)protegida
Nature News | Brazil election: Scientists cheer Lula victory over Bolsonaro
Vox | “Dirty” cows are destroying the Amazon rainforest
Time | Politicians Are Touting Corn Ethanol as a Climate Solution. The Truth Is More Complicated
Wisconsin Public Radio | Report: Long-term affects of farmland conversion
Mongabay | Beef is still coming from protected areas in the Amazon, study shows
The Hill | New study casts doubt on ethanol’s climate benefits
National Wildlife Federation | Peer-Reviewed Research: Ethanol Mandate an Unmitigated Disaster for People, Wildlife
Washington Post | Demand for meat is destroying the Amazon. Smarter choices at the dinner table can go a long way to help.
The Counter | Corn ethanol was supposed to help the climate. Instead, its production may have made things worse
Civil Eats | How Corn Ethanol for Biofuel Fed Climate Change
The Guardian | ‘Loophole’ allowing for deforestation on soya farms in Brazil’s Amazon
Wisconsin State Journal | Ethanol no better than gasoline, study finds; UW scientists seek better plant fuels
Bloomberg | Ethanol Less Green Than Gas, Study Funded by Biofuel Critics Says
UW News | At bioenergy crossroads, should corn ethanol be left in the rearview mirror?
Reuters | U.S. corn-based ethanol worse for the climate than gasoline, study finds
BBC | Veg diet plus re-wilding gives ‘double climate dividend’
Bloomberg | How Big Beef Is Fueling the Amazon’s Destruction
Just Style | New project said to be the largest to map leather supply chains
National Geographic | How can the most endangered ecosystem in the world be saved?
The Guardian | The five biggest threats to our natural world … and how we can stop them
Washington Post | E.U. seeks to block import of commodities that drive deforestation
New York Times | How Americans' appetite for leather in luxury SUVs is worsening Amazon deforestation
National Wildlife Federation | Pulse of the Heartland
Popular Science | World leaders promise to end deforestation. Is that even possible?
The Bueau of Investigative Journalism | Loophole lets soya farmers tear down the Amazon
Mongabay | Deforestation-free beef stymied by Brazil’s unequal supply chain
Mongabay | Soy moratorium averted New Jersey-size loss of Amazon rainforest
Bloomberg Green | Bloomberg Green - Why It’s So Hard to Stop Amazon Deforestation, Starting With the Beef Industry
Reuters | One Brazilian farmer tried – and failed – to ranch more responsibly in the Amazon
Forbes | Rotten Apples Could Spoil Brazilian Soybean Exports
The Guardian | A fifth of Brazilian soy in Europe is result of deforestation
BBC | Amazon soya and beef exports ‘linked to deforestation’
CNN | Brazil’s beef and soy exports to the EU linked to illegal deforestation, study finds
Reuters | A fifth of EU soy imports from Brazil could be tainted by deforestation
Phys | Revealing Brazil’s rotten agribusinesses
Mongabay | Only a few ‘rotten apples’ causing most illegal Brazil deforestation
Hellenic Shipping News | A fifth of EU soy imports from Brazil could be tainted by deforestation
Medium | The rotten apples of Brazil’s agribusiness
New Food | Study reveals scale of illegal soy and beef exports from Brazil to EU
The Cattle Site | Amazon deforestation linked with soya and beef production
Merco Press | A fifth of Brazilian soy exports to EU may have come from illegally deforested land
Eco Debate | 20% da soja e carne exportadas para a UE podem estar vinculadas ao desmatamento ilegal
UOL | Cerca de um quinto da soja e carne brasileiras vêm de desmatamento
La Vanguardia | Soja y vacuno que los europeos compramos a Brasil a costa la Amazonia
D Noticias | Até um quinto da soja exportada do Brasil para a UE deriva da desflorestação ilegal
G1 | Soja e carne exportadas do Brasil para UE podem ter rastro de desmate ilegal
Jornal do Comercio | Desmatamento pode contaminar 20% da soja e 17% da carne exportadas à Europa
Green Report | Le mele marce dell’agribusiness brasiliano
Green Me | Un quinto della soia europea viene dalla deforestazione in Brasile
Klima Reporter | Brandbeschleuniger Handel
Tagesspiegel | EU importiert zwei Millionen Tonnen Soja von illegal gerodeten Flächen
La Croix | Au Brésil, on déforeste illégalement pour exporter le soja vers l’Europe
Villes et Communes | Brésil: 20 % des exportations vers l’Europe proviennent de la déforestation illégale
The Economist | How big beef and soya firms can stop deforestation
The Commons | SAGE associate professor and Geography graduate research fellow publish three papers on carbon stocks
Christian Science Monitor | Saving the Amazon: How cattle ranchers can halt deforestation
On Wisconsin | Earth’s Bright Future
The Guardian | Meat company faces heat over ‘cattle laundering’ in Amazon supply chain
New York Times | Why Did a Vow to End Amazon Fires Falter? Blame ʻCattle Launderingʼ
Mongabay | Brazilian beef industry plays outsized role in tropical carbon emissions
Nature | The crop that’s gobbling up a vast Brazilian ecosystem
Mongabay | Giant Norway pension fund weighs Brazil divestment over Amazon deforestation
Mongabay | Cargill rejects Cerrado soy moratorium, pledges $30 million search for ideas
Science News | New global study reveals the ‘staggering’ loss of forests caused by industrial agriculture.
Mongabay | Do environmental advocacy campaigns drive successful forest conservation?
Mongabay | Zero-deforestation pledges need help, support to meet targets, new study finds
Press release | Avoided Deforestation Linked to Environmental Registration of Properties in the Brazilian Amazon
E & E News | Land conversion for crops drives climate change — study
Reuters | U.S. biofuels policy contributes to global warming: study
World Wide Fund for Nature | 23 Global Food Companies Commit to Preserve Brazil’s Cerrado Savanna
O Eco | Os portões do desmatamento
Reuters | Shady slaughterhouses, ‘cow laundering’ drive spike in Amazon deforestation
New York Times | Amazon Deforestation, Once Tamed, Comes Roaring Back
Stanford News | Biofuels boom could fuel rainforest destruction
Stanford News | Most new farmland comes from cutting tropical forest
Pacific Standard | A Rainforest-Protection Policy That Really Works
Mongabay | Amazon deforestation linked to McDonald’s and British retail giants
Ecosystem Marketplace | Soy Sector Extends Moratorium On Amazon Soy. Now, Can They Expand It?
The Washington Post | North America’s grasslands are slowly disappearing — and no one’s paying attention
Thomas Reuters Foundation | Brazil meatpackers show supply-chain rules can protect forests
Portland Business Journal | Preventing the conversion of Pacific Northwest grasslands offers big climate benefits
Think Progress | Brazilian Ranchers Aren’t Cutting Down As Much Forest Anymore. Here’s Why
KTIC Radio | Cropland conversion could have troublesome effect on conservation
E&E News | Major meatpacking company keeps its ‘zero-deforestation’ promise — study
Bloomberg | Crop-Price Plunge Helps Hunters as Pheasants Fly in South Dakota
Mongabay | Corporations rush to make zero-deforestation commitments, but is it working?
Star Tribune | In Minnesota's farm country, clean water is costly
Estado de S. Paulo | Acordos por pecuária sem desmatamento são eficazes, mostra estudo
NPR Market Place | The environmental cost of corn
VRLO | Zero Deforestation Agreements Show Impact In Brazilian Beef Industry
Minnesota Public Radio | Study: Minn. converted more wetlands than any other state when crop prices spiked
Spiegel | Brasilien: Millionen Hektar Regenwald durch Soja-Anbau in Gefahr
Folha | “Soya Moratorium” Helped Reduce Amazon Deforestation, Study Finds
Grist | Can cheaper corn change the way we farm?
Science Daily | Brazil’s soy moratorium still needed to preserve Amazon
O Globo | Pecuária pode avançar na Amazônia sem aumentar desmatamento
Science 2.0 | Cattle Ranchers And Policy Agreements In Brazil Lead To 10X Decline In Deforestation
The Cattle Site | Curbing Rainforest Destruction is Work in Progress
Época Magazine Blog | Pressão dos frigoríficos reduziu desmatamento no Pará
Diario de Cuiaba | Pesquisadores defendem importância
Die BauernZeitung | Soja-Moratorium erfolgreich im Schutz des Regenwald
Revista Globorural | Pesquisadores defendem moratória da soja na revista Science
Oeco | Pesquisadores defendem extensão da moratória da soja
Estado | Cientistas defendem prorrogação da moratória da soja na Amazônia
The Christian Science Monitor | How Brazilian beef industry became latest ally in fight against deforestation
Mongabay | Brazil’s soy moratorium dramatically reduced Amazon deforestation
The Guardian | Brazil beef industry pledges cut Amazon deforestation
In Common | Forces against deforestation, continued
Wisconsin Public Radio | Relationship between land-use change and bioenergy
Reuters | Amazon forest destruction slowing - Brazil
Nature Climate Change | Measurement challenges
Nature | Farm focus for saving trees
Stanford News | Most new farmland comes from cutting tropical forest
PBS Wisconsin | Algae Fuel
Stanford News Service | Most new farmland comes from cutting tropical forest, says Stanford researcher
Science News | What Lies Beneath: Studies link deforestation to geology and agricultural demand
KQED | Algae Power
Stanford News Service | Biofuels boom could fuel rainforest destruction, Stanford researcher warns
United Nations Conference of Parties | Prof Gibbs speaking at a press conference